All About Us

June 4, 2009

We are a charity organisation that rescues stray, distressed and injured animals, and then when they are well and happy, we try to rehome them.  We are run entirely by volunteers and have to do plenty of fundraising to cover the cost of the food, housing, and vet’s bills which come to an unbelievable amount every year, but every penny goes to caring for the animals.  There are some really kind people who make donations to us and it is always very gratefully received.

As we do not have a dedicated  centre, the animals have to go to foster homes, who volunteer their services to care for these animals in their own homes and in their own time.  We are always looking for more foster homes as there is a never ending stream of unfortunate animals who have no place to go.  We manage to find homes for most of our animals and it is always a wonderful feeling knowing that the once lonely animal, will now be loved. 

Some of the animals we rescue are wild, such as feral cats or the wildlife of the countryside, that may have been hit by a car or injured with wire or in a fight.  These are always released back into the wild as soon as they are well enough to cope by themselves.

We invite you to page through the photos and the stories of our rescue animals and events and maybe you would be able to help us in our efforts.  It is a scientific fact that owning a pet reduces stress and lowers blood pressure and that children growing up with a pet, are less likely to suffer from allergies and illnesses, and generally grow up to be better balanced and able to cope with life.

And you could never get a better, less judgmental friend.